Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Subtopic 1: Ineffective

Basically, my first topic presents arguments of many people who believe that the Government cannot solve the obesity epidemic. There are many reasons this I, and many others, feel this way.

To begin, obesity is not simply caused by washing down a bag of potatoe chips with a liter of soda. Obesity actually has many contributiors: lack of exercise, gender, race, genetics etc., along with food choice of course. Clearly, the Government can't change the a person's genetic makeup, and they do not have the control to force people to do their daily jumping jacks. So out of those several contributors, the Government can only "control" one. This will not end obesity in America.

The Government's power can only go so far. Sure, they can tell you what you can and can't purchse in school, but they do not have the right to prohibit foods you bring from home. Yet, in some schools, (cough -- Jefferson -- cough) I've heard teachers and principals believe they've been granted this right. But even so, I know you can't be told by the Government what you can have in your home. And, if I return to my first grade self, I can guarentee you a sugarfree day of school called for a candy spree upon getting home. So what exactly will the Government accomplish in in limiting a kid's food choice?

I'm not sure either.


jennmay said...

I was just re-reading your first post about how, upon a government ban or regulation on 'bad' foods, they would become even more desired, and I tend to agree. As a kid, my parents always had only reasonably natural things in my house, and I remember that whenever I went out I would binge on teddy grams and fruit loops.

Just to clarify- your first subtopic is that obesity is caused by a myriad of causes that a government ban will not prevent? I'm sure that with all of the scientific research being done on this topic lately you'll find a lot to back you up.

Good Luck!

Gillian said...

You make a very good point in your first subtopic. No matter how hard the government tries, they will not be able to solve the obesity epidemic with laws limiting the kind of food people can buy/eat. I also think obesity in some kids is attributed to parental control. If your mother raised you with fried foods every night and unlimited snack foods and no balanced meals, obesity in children is much more likely. Also if your parents do not set a limit or tell their child when they have had a little too much, then the child will never learn limits, or when to learn when too much is really too much.